Sellers Lessors Listings Change Request

This listing is provided as a service and is not maintained by the Edwards Aquifer Authority. Information represented here is subject to verification by parties involved.

Listings are deleted from this site six months from the date they are added unless they are renewed by the permit holder.

Find the listing you need changed and click the edit button to continue.

Contact Phone Email Permit Num Contract Length Listing Expiration
Medina Robles LLC 7137258525 P100-067 1 year 5 months, 23 days Edit
Sarandy Jane, LLC 512-212-6170 P201-392 5 months, 9 days Edit
Dan Kinsel (830) 317-0115 P104-548 AVAILABLE 2025 4 months, 17 days Edit
Cindy Giroux (210) 844-8090 multiple 2024 2 months, 26 days Edit
Michael Tompkins (830) 965-8105 P201-035 1 Year 2 months, 22 days Edit
Steve Cargil 830-591-6545 P101-687 1 - 3 years 1 month, 10 days Edit
Melissa Ranch 1856, LP 703.896.0770 P108-038 (BE00035) Year 2024 3 months, 28 days Edit
Henry Verstraeten Jr 2103550171 P104-375 1 to 5 years 2 months, 27 days Edit