Critical Period Management Tools - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Critical Period Management Tools


To better assist you in managing your groundwater withdrawal permit(s), the EAA has developed a full range of online critical period tools.

Notice of Intent to Finish Out a Crop (NIFC) Calculator

Notice of Intent to Finish Out a Crop (NIFC) Calculator

Our Interactive Critical Period Calculator allows you to predict your possible end-of-year authorized groundwater withdrawal amount by allowing you to forecast future critical period days.

NOTE: Due to anticipated rule changes, this calculator is temporarily unavailable

Critical Period Calculator

Critical Period Calculator

Our auto-fill Critical Period Calculator allows you to accurately determine the authorized groundwater withdrawal amount available for use during times of mandatory critical period management.

Use Calculator

Critical Period Forecast Calculator

Critical Period Forecast Calculator

Our Interactive Critical Period Calculator allows you to predict and plan your groundwater withdrawal amount available for use during times of mandatory critical period management.

Use Calculator

Critical Period Usage Online Reporting System

Critical Period Usage Online Reporting System

This online form is available for users to submit their Critical Period Monthly Use Reports, as well as Annual Use Reports.

Online Report Form

EAA Meter Matters Smartphone App

EAA Meter Matters Smartphone App

This app allows users to report meter readings, manage meters and view meter reading history.


Critical Period

Critical Period Chart

Download Critical Period PDF

Notice of Intent to Finish a Crop Form

Attention irrigation permit holders, please download the Notice of Intent to Finish Out a Crop form here. Please note, if you intend to fill out this form please do so by Friday, December 1, 2023, at close of business, 5 p.m. CST. You may also submit your form electronically by emailing it to

Critical Period Chart

Download Notice of Intent to Finish a Crop PDF