Critical Period/Drought Management - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Critical Period/Drought Management

In times of declining groundwater levels, the EAA implements a Critical Period Management (CPM) Plan to help sustain aquifer and springflow levels. This program helps slow the rate of decline in aquifer levels and spring discharges during periods of little or no rain by reducing the amount of groundwater permit holders may withdraw.

Triggers, Stages and Reductions

Critical Period

Download Critical Period PDF

Reporting Requirements

During critical periods, all municipal, industrial and irrigation users are required to submit withdrawal reports monthly. These reports are reconciled at the end of the year to ensure permit holder compliance with the CPM reductions.

View Critical Period Management Tools

Jurisdictional Map

Jurisdiction Map

The EAA has regulatory jurisdiction in all of Bexar, Medina and Uvalde counties and portions of Atascosa, Caldwell, Comal, Guadalupe, and Hays counties.

EAA Notice for Intent to Finish Out a Crop

The Notice of Intent to Finish-out a Crop (NIFC) program has been recently revised. Please click the link below if you are an irrigator and need to learn about these changes. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at 210-222-2204.

View Notice of Intent to Finish Out a Crop Video

What is CPM?

The EAA Critical Period Management (CPM) Plan helps sustain aquifer and springflow levels during times of drought by temporarily reducing the authorized withdrawal amounts of Edwards groundwater permit holders. By curbing pumping from the aquifer during periods of little or no rain, this program is designed to slow the rate of decline in aquifer levels and spring discharges until such time that it does rain and the aquifer can recharge itself.

Who does this apply to?

CPM stage reductions apply to all Edwards Aquifer well owners and groundwater permit holders authorized to pump more than three acre-feet annually. This applies to industrial, irrigation, and municipal users, including water utilities authorized to pump Edwards groundwater for delivery to their respective customers*.

In addition, all municipal, industrial and irrigation well owners are required to submit monthly withdrawal reports to the EAA for tracking of their pumping. These reports are reconciled at the end of the year to ensure permit holder compliance with the CPM reductions.

*It should be noted that the EAA does not enforce lawn watering activities or other general water limitations enacted. Any enforcement of such activities or limitations is enforced by a municipality. The EAA does not regulate the public, but instead regulates Edwards well owners with withdrawal permits authorizing their right to pump from the aquifer.

What are the stages of permit reductions and when are they declared?

The CPM Plan is divided into five stages of escalating reduced pumping requirements, each triggered by declining aquifer levels or springflow discharge rates as calculated in 10-day averages. In other words, required reductions increase as aquifer levels or springflows decrease. For example, Stage 1 of CPM is triggered and declared for the San Antonio Pool (all counties within EAA jurisdiction except Uvalde) when the 10-day average level at the J-17 Index Well, in Bexar County, drops below 660 feet above mean sea level (amsl) or the 10-day average spring flow at Comal or San Marcos Springs falls below 225 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 96 cfs, respectively. As a result, permit holders must reduce groundwater withdrawals by 20% of their authorized annual withdrawal amounts based on the number of days CPM is in effect.

See the graphic below for a detailed explanation of permit reductions for each stage of CPM.

Critical Period Chart

Download Critical Period PDF

Reach out to your water provider to determine if stage restrictions have been declared.

County Entity Address Main Website Homepage Website About Critical Period
Atascosa Atascosa Rural Water Supply Corp 10882 Jarratt Rd,
Atascosa, TX 78002
P: 210-622-3901
F: 210-622-5421
Bexar City of Converse 9239 Converse Business Lane
Converse, TX 78109
Bexar SWWC Utilities Inc., a Delaware corporation
Bexar City of Shavano Park 900 Saddletree Court
Shavano Park, TX 78231
P: 210-493-3478
Bexar City of Leon Valley Maxwell, TX 786566400 El Verde Road
Leon Valley, TX 78238
P: 210-684-139
Bexar City of Universal City 52150 Universal City Boulevard
Universal City, TX 78148
P: 210-357-6253
Bexar City of Alamo Heights 6116 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78209
P: 210-822-3331
F: 210-822-8197
Bexar City of Selma City of Selma, TX
9375 Corporate Drive
Selma, TX 78154
P: 210-651-6661
Bexar City of Live Oak 8001 Shin Oak Dr
Live Oak, TX 78233
P: 210-653-9140
Bexar City of Kirby 112 Bauman
Kirby, TX 78219
P: 210-661-3198
F: 210-661-4525
Bexar San Antonio Water System SAWS Main Office
2800 US Hwy 281 N
San Antonio, TX 78212
Customer Service
P: 210-704-SAWS (7297)
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. | M-F
Bexar Cadillac Water Corporation 14203 Fairway Basin
San Antonio, 78217
P: 210-317-9250
Comal City of Garden Ridge 9400 Municipal Parkway
Garden Ridge,
TX 78266
P: 210-651-6632
Comal Maxwell Water Supply Corporation 216 Main S216 Main Street
Maxwell, TX 78656
P: 512-357-6253
Comal City of Schertz City of Schertz
1400 Schertz Parkway
Schertz, TX 78154
Comal New Braunfels Utilities MAIN OFFICE
263 Main Plaza, New Braunfels, TX 78130
355 FM 306, New Braunfels, TX 78130
Guadalupe City of Marion 303 S. Center Street
Marion, TX 78124
P: 830-914-2391
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Guadalupe Green Valley Special Utility District 529 S. Center Street
Marion, TX 78124
P: 830-914-2330
Hays City of Kyle 100 W. Center Street
Kyle, TX 78640
P: 512-262-1010
Hays City of San Marcos 630 E Hopkins
San Marcos, TX 78666
P: 512-393-8000
F: 855-246-9100
Hays County Line Special Utility District 8870 Camino Real
Uhland, Texas 78640
P: 512-398-4748
Hays Crystal Clear Special Utility District 2370 FM 1979
San Marcos, TX 78666
P: 830-372-1031
F: 830-372-0067
Medina City of Devine 303 South Teel Drive
Devine Texas 78016
P: 830-663-2804
Medina City of Natalia P.O. Box 2702078
State Hwy 132 N.
Natalia, TX 78059
Hours of Operation
Open: Monday – Friday
8:00a.m – 4:30p.m. (Closed for lunch between 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.)
P: 830-663-2926
Medina City of Hondo 1600 Ave. M
Hondo, TX 78861
P: 830-426-3378
F: 830-426-5189
Medina City of LaCoste 16004 S. Front St.
La Coste, TX 78039
P: 830-985-9494
Medina City of Lytle 14916 Main Street
Lytle, TX 78052
P: 830-709-3692
Medina East Medina County Special Utility District P.O. Box 628
Devine, TX 78016
P: 830-709-3879
F: 830-772-4082
Medina Yancy Water Supply Corporation P.O. Box 127
Yancey, TX 78886
F: 830-741-8009
Medina West Medina Water Supply Corporation 145 CR 526
D’Hanis, TX 78850
P: 830-363-7616
Uvalde City of Sabinal Address
501 N. Center Steet,
Sabinal Texas, 78881Mailing Address
P.O. Box 838,
Sabinal, Texas 78881
P: 830-988-2595
Uvalde City of Uvalde Address
101 E Main St, Uvalde, TX 78801
Office Hours: M-F 8a.M. – 5 P.M.
P: 830-278-6616
F: 830-278-8883
Uvalde Knippa Water Supply Corp. P: 830-279-8400
In observance of President's Day, the office will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025.