Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Springflow Protection Forbearance Program - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Springflow Protection Forbearance Program

The Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) offers permit holders the opportunity to enroll in the Springflow Protection Program.

This water conservation program is designed to protect springflow for federally listed threatened and endangered species during times of severe, long-term droughts by financially compensating municipal, industrial, and irrigation permit holders who enroll all or part of their base irrigation or unrestricted groundwater rights for the benefit of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan (EAHCP).

Unlike a leasing program, enrolled water remains yours to use, lease, or conserve when the 10-year annual recharge average is above 500,000 acre-feet. Forbearance is only required after a determination has been made that the 10-year annual recharge average has fallen at or below 500,000 acre-feet. The last time the 10-year average fell below this trigger was from 1946 – 1959 the most severe drought on record and defined as the drought of record (1951-1956).

The EAA has managed to successfully reach maximum enrollment in this program by securing 50,000 acre-feet for year 2024. For information regarding future enrollment opportunities please contact Javier Hernandez, Special Projects Liaison, at (210) 222-2204 or

Historical Comparison VISPO vs ASR Forbearance (PDF)

Comparison of ASR and VISPO

ASR Program



Flat fee of $100 per acre-foot per year in both standby years and forbearance years

Program Trigger

Program Trigger

10-year annual recharge average is at or 500,000 acre-feet. Forbearance occurs in the year following the recharge average determination

Can Use Water As Normal Outside of Forbearance Years

Can Use Water As Normal Outside of Forbearance Years


Length of Agreement

Length of Agreement

Agreements expire at the end of year 2028

Restricted & Unrestricted Water Available to Enroll

Restricted & Unrestricted Water Available to Enroll

Yes – Open to all permit holders

Frequency of Program Trigger

Frequency of Program Trigger

More frequently during repeat of drought of record (1950s type conditions). Would have triggered every year during the drought of record

Existing Leases & Agreements Will be Honored

Existing Leases & Agreements Will be Honored


Can Participate in ASR & VISPO at the Same Time

Can Participate in ASR & VISPO at the Same Time

Yes, but not the same water enrolled in VISPO




$54 per acre foot in standby years; $160 per acre foot in forbearance years in addition to the standby rate ($54 per acre-foot) for a total of $214 per acre-foot

Program Trigger

Program Trigger

Level of J-17 monitoring well falls below 635 ft. msl on October 1. Forbearance occurs the year following the well reading

Can Use Water As Normal Outside of Forbearance Years

Can Use Water As Normal Outside of Forbearance Years


Length of Agreement

Length of Agreement

All current and future agreements expire at the end of year 2028

Restricted & Unrestricted Water Available to Enroll

Restricted & Unrestricted Water Available to Enroll

Yes – Open to all permit holders

Frequency of Program Trigger

Frequency of Program Trigger

More frequently during short-term drought conditions. VISPO triggered in years 2014, 2022 and 2023 with years 2015, 2023 and 2024 being forbearance years

Existing Leases & Agreements Will be Honored

Existing Leases & Agreements Will be Honored


Can Participate in ASR & VISPO at the Same Time

Can Participate in ASR & VISPO at the Same Time

Yes, but not the same water enrolled in ASR

In observance of Veterans Day, on Monday, November 11th, the office will be closed.