Dynamic Simulation of Tree-Grass Interactions for Global Change studies - Edwards Aquifer Authority

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Dynamic Simulation of Tree-Grass Interactions for Global Change studies

Author: Daly C, Bachelet D, Lenihan JM, Neilson RP, Parton W and Ojima D
Year: 2000
Document Number: 1076
HCP EIS Reference: Daly, Christopher, Dominique Bachelet, James M. Lenihan, Ronald P. Neilson, William Parton, and Dennis Ojima. 2000. Dynamic simulation of tree-grass interactions for global change studies. Ecological Applications 10:449-469.
Pages: 21
Citation Name: Daly, Bachelet, Lenihan, Neilson et al 2000
Publisher Citation: Ecological Applications 10(2): 449� 469
Location: Wind Cave National Park, SD
File: 2000_Daly-etal_Tree-GrassInteractions.pdf
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