Habitat and Phenology of the Endangered Riffle Beetle, Heterelmis comalensis and a Coexisting Species, Microcylloepus pusillus, (Coleoptera: Elmidae) at Comal Springs, Texas, USA - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Documents & Publications

Habitat and Phenology of the Endangered Riffle Beetle, Heterelmis comalensis and a Coexisting Species, Microcylloepus pusillus, (Coleoptera: Elmidae) at Comal Springs, Texas, USA

Author: Bowles, DE, Barr CB and Stanford R
Year: 2002
Document Number: 1042
HCP EIS Reference: Bowles, D.E., R. Stanford and C.B. Barr. 2003. Habitat and phenology of the endangered riffle beetle, Heterelmis comalensis, and a coexisting species, Microcylloepus pusillus (Coleoptera: Elmidae) at Comal Springs, Texas, USA. Arch. fur Hydrobiol 156 (3): 361-383.
Pages: 22
Citation Name: Bowles DE, R Stanford, CB Barr 2002
Publisher Citation: Archives of Hydrobiology 156(3): 361-383
Location: Comal Springs
File: 2002_BowlesStanford_RiffleBeetle.pdf
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