Golf Course Management Plan - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Golf Course Management Plan

The City of New Braunfels seeks incidental take coverage for the maintenance and upkeep of the  Landa Park Golf Course adjacent to the Old Channel of the Comal River, including the use of plant protectants to maintain the golf course and the diversion of water from the Old Channel to maintain the golf course.

Irrigation water for the golf course is obtained a single diversion from the Old Channel permitted by TCEQ. The diversion is located approximately 200 yards upstream of Himan Island Drive and considerably downstream of the Old Channel ERPA. The total water that is permitted for that diversion is 300 ac-ft/yr, the total diversion rate allowed is 2 cfs.  Currently, the pump for the diversion is capable of diverting only 1 cfs. The surface water diversion will be operated in accordance with TCEQ rules including any TCEQ order to reduce or stop diverting water during low flows.

Historically, the City of New Braunfels Golf Course does not use its full permitted water rights for irrigating the Golf Course. From 2006 to 2010, an average of 115.4 ac-ft of water was diverted under both permits of golf course irrigation. To reduce dependency on Comal River water further, the City of New Braunfels is working with New Braunfels Utilities under a grant received by the Texas Water Development Board to develop and implement a reuse water system that will be used to maintain the golf course by supplementing or when feasible replacing the surface diversions used for irrigation purposes. The design process is underway.

The EAA Board Meeting will take place on September 10, 2024 at 1pm.
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