Control of Non-Native Plant Species - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Control of Non-Native Plant Species

The City will partner with Texas State University to implement an on-going non-native plant replacement program for the recreational corridor from Spring Lake to city limits. Non-native species of aquatic, littoral, and riparian plants will be replaced with native plants to enhance Covered Species habitat. The divers that will be conducting sediment control will first remove non-native aquatic plant species from the area to be worked that day. Removal will initially focus on Hydrilla (Hydrilla vercticillata) as this species causes sediment deposition and adds turbidity to the water column when disturbed. Areas will be “weeded” until the natives become established at the site.

The riparian zone will be restored to at least 15 meters in width where possible. Areas will be planted at a ratio of three hard mast trees to one soft mast tree, with 20 percent of the vegetation consisting of fruit-bearing shrubs. Vegetation such as big bluestem, switchgrass, Indian grass, live oak, Texas red oak, bur oak, pecan, bald cypress, American beautyberry, and buttonbush will be used. Fencing may be required for the first two years to allow for the establishment of the species.

Due to the inclement weather the office will be closed on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.