Diversions of Surface Water - Edwards Aquifer Authority

Diversions of Surface Water

Under TCEQ Certificates 18-3865 and 18-3866, Texas State University’s total diversion rate from the headwaters of the San Marcos River for consumptive use is limited to 8.1 cfs. The total diversion rate from Spring Lake is Spring Lake is limited to 4.88 cfs; the total diversion rate from the San Marcos River at Sewell Park is limited to 3.22 cfs. To minimize the impacts of these diversions, when flow of at the USGS gauge at the University Bridge reaches 80 cfs, Texas State University will reduce the total rate of surface water diversion to 2 cfs, i.e., to a total of approximately 6.1 cfs. This reduction in pumping will occur at the pump just below Spring Lake Dam in order to maximize the benefits to salamanders, Texas wild-rice, and other aquatic resources in the San Marcos River below Spring Lake Dam. The University will reduce the total rate of surface water diversion by an additional 2 cfs when the USGS gauge reaches 60 cfs. The additional 2 cfs reduction will be made from the pumps located in the slough arm of Spring Lake, and, therefore, maximize the benefits to the aquatic resources within the main stem San Marcos River below the Spring Lake Dam. When the USGS gauge reaches 49 cfs, Texas State University will reduce the total diversion rate to 1 cfs. This further reduction will be made by restricting the pumps located in the Sewell Park Ranch. The diversion of water will be suspended when the springflow reaches 45 cfs.

Texas State University uses a 0.25-inch mesh screen to cover the intake for surface water diversions. These screens are routinely inspected and cleaned. Fountain darters have not been observed when the screen is cleaned; however, there is a possibility for capture of adults against the screen, but not pulled into the pipeline.

To avoid or minimize the impacts of the surface water diversions, the University will routinely monitor the screens to determine if any entrainment occurs and will make any necessary modifications to the screens to minimize any incident from the operation of the diversions.

The EAA Board Meeting will take place on September 10, 2024 at 1pm.
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