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The Partners
- Edwards Aquifer Authority
- The City of New Braunfels
- The City of San Marcos
- The City of San Antonio acting by and through its San Antonio Water System Board of Trustees
- Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority
- Texas State University
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD)
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Contact Information
- 900 E. Quincy
San Antonio, TX 78215 - P. (210) 222-2204 or 1-800-292-1047
- F. (210) 222-9869
- E-mail:
Tom Arsuffi

Tom Arsuffi, Ph.D. is Professor & Director of the Llano River Field Station at Texas Tech University. He received his Ph.D. at New Mexico State University in 1984 and did a postdoctorate at the University of Georgia Marine Institute. His research interests are in aquatic and watershed ecology and environmental education. Dr. Arsuffi has worked in a range of aquatic ecosystems. He teaches courses in Aquatic Biology, General Ecology, Stream Ecology, Environmental Impact Analysis, Invasive Species Ecology, Scientific Methods in Aquatic Resources, and Wetlands Ecology. Arsuffi has publications in leading ecological journals, and has given invited and contributed presentations on his work at national and international aquatic, ecological, and scientific meetings. He has served as President of the Texas Academy of Science, Program Chair for regional and international scientific societies, Executive Board of the Organization of Biological Field Stations, Chaired the Executive Committee of Society for Freshwater Science, a reviewer for NSF, EPA, USDA panels, external reviewer for state science center programs, worked with the national media, received research/education grants over $10 million from numerous state, federal and foundation funding sources, completed 32 graduate students as adviser, served on over 50 graduate committees and was an invited representative for AIBS Congressional Visits Day to inform Congress on the research and education importance of Field Stations in the United States. He served as a nationally selected member of the Science Review Panel, evaluating environmental studies associated with a major interbasin water transfer project in Texas, served as appointed member of the Senate Bill 3 Nueces River Corpus Christi Bay Basin and Bay Expert Science Team and is coordinator in developing a watershed protection plan for the Upper Llano rivers, funded by Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board through EPA’s Healthy Watershed Initiative.