A New Distributional Record for Haideoporus texanus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), a Stygobiontic Beetle from the Edwards Aquifer, Texas - Edwards Aquifer Authority

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A New Distributional Record for Haideoporus texanus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), a Stygobiontic Beetle from the Edwards Aquifer, Texas

Author: Bowles, DE and Stanford R
Year: 1997
Document Number: 1043
HCP EIS Reference: Bowles, D. E., and R. Stanford. 1997. A new distributional record for Haideoporus texanus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), a stygobiontic beetle from the Edwards Aquifer, Texas. Entomological News 108(4):297-299.
Pages: 15
Citation Name: Bowles, Stanford 1997
Publisher Citation: Entomological News 108(4): 297-299
Location: Comal Springs
File: 1997_BowlesStanford_-Haideoporus-texanus.pdf
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