Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program (EARIP) Meetings
06-21-12 Implementing Committee Meeting
November 7
11-07-11 Attachment A to Minutes
11-07-11 Attachment 2 EARIP 2012 Budget
October 12
10-11-11 Summary of EARIP Documents
10-12-11 EARIP FMA Oct 11 Draft Clean
10-12-11 EARIP IA October 11 draft clean
September 28
September 15
09-15-11 Attachemnt 4 EARIP-Schlitterbahn
09-15-11 Attachment 7 WG Report
09-15-11 EARIP Bottom-Up Program
August 11
08-11-11 Attachment 1 EARIP Meeting July 7
08-11-11 Attachment 3 Stage V Work Group
July 7
07-07-11 Attachment B to Attachment 1
07-07-11 Attachment 3 EARIP Implementing Agreement
07-07-11 Attachment 4 EARIP IAADP Appendix
07-07-11 Attachment 5 EARIP Funding Agreement
07-07-11 Implementing Agreement Draft
07-07-11 Implementing Agreement Draft Workshop
June 9
May 17
05-12-11 Draft Comments on Hardy Report
05-17-11 Attachment 5a SAWS ASR EARIP Exec Summary
05-17-11 Attachment 1 Minutes of April 29 Meeting
05-17-11 Attachment 2 ERPA Work Group 4
05-17-11 Attachment 3 Working Draft Chapter 7 REVISED
05-17-11 Attachment 6 VISPO Work Group Memorandum
April 29
04-29-11 Attachment 5 Long-Term Biological Goals
04-29-11 Implementing Agreement Drafting Workshop
05-03-11 EARIP SAWS ASR Concept 050411 Final Draft 2
April 14
04-14-11 Attachment 4 TPWD ERPA Comments
04-14-11 Implementing Agreement Drafting Workshop
March 24
03-24-11 Attachment 1 Minutes 02-28-11
03-24-11 Implementing Agreement Drafting Workgroup
February 28
02-28-11 Attachment 1 Minutes of 02-10-11 mtg
02-28-11 Attachment 3 VISPO Information Sheet
02-28-11 Attachment 6 EARIP Prelim Draft HCP Info-Gaps
February 10
02-09-11 Memorandumre 2-10 meeting
02-10-11 Attachment 3 Bottom-Up Issues Team Report
02-10-11 Attachment 1 Minutes of 1-13-11 Mtg
February 4
02-04-11 Attachment 1 Minutes of 1-13-11 Mtg
02-04-11 Attachment 2 Management Structure
January 28
01-28-11 Attachment 2 VISPO Work Group Report
01-28-11 Attachment 1 Funding WG Minutes
01-28-11 Attachment 3 Comments on VISPO Program
RECON Drought Probability Analysis Presentation
January 13
01-12-11 EAA ESS comments Hardy report
01-13-11 Attachment 2 VISPO Report
01-13-11 Attachment 3 Compatibility Mode
01-13-11 Attachment 5 Briefing Paper
01-13-11 Interim Regional Conservation Entities
01-14-11 Funding Work Group Report
December 9
12-09-10 Attachment 4 Zara Evaluation Species
12-09-10 Attachment 6 Management Structure
12-10-10 Alternatives Presentation (Recon)
12-10-10 AMP Governance (Recon)
November 11
11-11-10 Attachment 5 VISPO letter
October 21
10-06-10 Hardy comments with Brandt Waugh
10-15-10 Attachment 4 Future Water Issue Paper
10-18-10 Memorandum Attachment 2 Technical Assumptions
10-18-10 Memorandum Attachment 3 J-17 well
10-18-10 Memorandum Attachment 4 J-27 well
10-21-10 EARIP Tech Analyses 10-21-2010 v2
September 23
09-21-10 Support Information Memorandum
September 9
08-08-10 Background Memorandum Attachment 2
08-10-10 Final Background Memorandum
09-03-10 Attachment 4a Using Green Infrastructure
09-03-10 Attachment 6 454,500 Simulation
09-03-10 Attachment 7 Refugia Estimate
09-03-10 Attachment 8 SSC Comments on ERPAs
09-11-01 Dreher SB3 and Historic Pumping
July 27
07-27-10 Attachment 1 June 29 Minutes
07-27-10 Attachment 2 Snail Scope
June 29
06-28-10 Hardy Model Assumptions
06-29-10 Adaptive Management Presentation (Roberts)
06-29-10 Assumptions for Evaluation (HDR)
06-29-10 Attachment 1 June 14-15 Minutes
06-29-10 Attachment 2 Background Memorandum
06-29-10 ATTACHMENT 2A Backgroundon ESA Issues
06-29-10 Attachment 6 Draft EARIP EIS TOC
06-29-10 Attachment 5 Draft EARIP HCP TOC
06-29-10 Drougth of Record (MOD) HDR
06-29-10 Dry Year Option Chart Scale Alteration
06-29-10 Mussel Briefing Handout (Gordon)
06-29-10 No Surprises Presentation (Roberts)
06-29-10 Recon Adaptive Management Presentation
06-29-10 Recon Baseline Presentation
June 14
05-27-10 Rangel and Restoration Recommendations
06-04-10 HDR RR Cost Estimates
06-14-10 Abbrev RR Discussion 6-14-2010
06-14-10 Abbrev RR Modeling 6-14-2010
06-14-10 Attachment 1 May Minutes
06-14-10 Attachment 2, Exhibit C
06-14-10 Attachment 2, Exhibit D
06-14-10 Attachment 2, Exhibit E
06-14-10 Attachment 2, Exhibit F
06-14-10 Attachment 3 Memorandum
06-14-10 Attachment 3, Exhibit A
06-14-10 Attachment 3, Exhibit B
06-14-10 Attachment 3, Exhibit C
06-14-10 Attachment 3, Exhibit D
06-14-10 Attachment 3, Exhibit E
06-14-10 Attachment 3, Exhibit F
06-14-10 Attachment 3, Exhibit G
06-14-10 Attachment 3, Exhibit H
EARIP Bxr Co Trade-Offs 6-4-2010
Outline LID Edwards Aquifer Region 3
Possible Role of LID (outline)
May 18
05-18-10 Attachment 1 April Minutes
05-18-10 A ttachment 3 BW Drought Flow Regime Tech Memo
April 8
04-08-10 Attachment 1 Dry year Option
04-08-10 Attachment 2 Controlled propagation
04-09-10 Attachment 2 Annear Contract
04-13-10 comment re crane bibliography for EARIP
04-13-10 Attachment 1 Patterson Comments
04-13-10 Comments on Technical Memo, KP
04-13-10 FINAL SAWS comments Hicks Recon
March 11
03-11-10 Attachment 8 Fed Reg Notice
3-11-10 Attachment 1 February Minutes
03-11-10 Attachment 2 Status Report (2)
03-11-10 Attachment 4 USFWS Revised Proposal
03-11-10 Attachment 5 Recreation Proposal
03-11-10 Attachment 6 EARIP Josiesque Designs RFP
03-11-10 EARIP Ecosystem Restoration Subcommittee
DOR Regime EARIP March 11, 2010
SMNF HTC refugium program March 2010
February 6
02-16-10 Attachment 5 Facilitation Agenda
02-16-10 EARIP Meeting Summary Jan Workshop Ver3
02-16-10 Quarry 101 Presentation (Mathews)
January 14
01-14-10 Attachment 1 December Minutes
01-14-10 Attachment 2 HDR Supplemental Scope
01-14-10 Attachment 3 Peer Review Proposal
01-14-10 Attachment 4 Facilitation Agenda
01-14-10 Attachment 5 Decision-making Timeline
475spp Fed Reg notice 12-16-09
final QA 475spp 90 day 12-10-09
Listing a Species as Threatened or Endangered
Nine Petitioned Mussel Species Overlap
Q and A 9 TX mussels 90 day 11-19-09 final
Decemeber 2
12-02-09 Attachment 1 November Minutes
12-02-09 Attachment 2 Second Grant Amendment
12-02-09 Attachment 3 FRNOI Scoping
12-02-09 Attachment 4 HDR Contract
December 1
November 12
11-12-09 Attachment 1 October Minutes
11-12-09 Attachment 4 2010 Budget
11-12-09 Attachment 5 Issues Team Report
11-12-09 Attachment 8 Draft Peer Review RFP
11-12-09 EARIP Process (bluechart)
October 8
10-08-09 Attachment 1 September Minutes
10-08-09 Attachment 2 EAA Letter
10-08-09 Attachment 3 Recharge Meeting Report
10-08-09 Attachment 4 RECON Contract
10-08-09 Attachment 5a RECON Task Budget
10-08-09 Attachment 5b RECON Expense Budget
10-08-09 Attachment6 TWDB Amended Grant
10-08-09 Attachment 18 SSC Vacancy
10-11-09 SMR HCP FINAL MAY 2008
September 10
09-10-09 Attachment 1 August Minutes
09-10-09 Attachment 2 TWDB Grant
09-10-09 Attachment 3 TWDB Grant Attachment 2
09-10-09 Attachment 5 EARIP facilitator contract
09-10-09 Attachment 10 Action Area Diagram
August 13
08-13-09 Attachment 1 July RIP Minutes
08-13-09 Attachment 3 Recharge Subcommittee Report
July 9
07-09-09 Attachment 1 June MINUTES
07-09-09 Attachment 3 Recharge Meeting Report 6-22-09
June 11
06-11-09 Attachment 1 Minutes of May 14 Meeting
06-11-09 Attachment 2 Decision-making process
06-11-09 Attachment 3 Decision-making Timeline
06-11-09 Attachment 5 Legislative Report
06-11-09 Attachment 6 Recharge Meeting Report
May 14
05-14-09 Attachment 5 POR Transmittal memo
05-14-09 Attachment 6 Proposed Revisions to Rules
05-14-09 Attachment 7 Clean Revisions
05-14-09 Attachment 8 Decision-making process
05-14-09 Attachment 9 Decision-making Timeline
05-14-09 Attachment 10 Facilitation Work Group Report
05-14-09 Attachment 11 Facilitation Selection Process
05-14-09 ATTACHMENT 12 Facilitation RFP
05-14-09 Attachment 13 Facilitation Firms
April 9
04-09-09 Attachment 2 Rec Planning
March 12
01-06-09 Implementing Agreement
03-12-09 Attachment 2 POR Revisions Memo
03-12-09 Attachment 2a Proposed Revisions redline
03-12-09 Attachment 2b Proposed Revisions clean
3-12-09 ATTACHMENT 4 Adjusted Budget
03-13-09 SSC Response to Comments
February 12
02-12-09 Attachment 1 January Minutes
02-12-09 Attachment 3 Finance Work Group Charge
02-12-09 Attachment 5 Proposed Revisions to POR
02-12-09 Attachment 6 Hardy Report
January 8
01-08-09 ATTACHMENT 2 Budget Amendment
01-08-09 Attachment 3 Recharge Agenda
01-08-09 Attachment 4 Update on USGS collaboration
01-08-09 Attachment 5 Overview
November 13
11-13 Attachment 1 Meeting Minutes
11-13 Attachment 2 SEI Contract
11-13 Attachment 4 2009 Budget
11-13 Attachment 5 RFS Schedule
11-13 Attachment 6 Mezza meeting
11-13 Attachment 7 HARDY-USGS UPDATE
October 16